Happy Sunday peeps! I think Wednesday was supposed to be “What I ate Wednesday” but I forgot so I thought I’d mix it up a little and do a weekend edition. For me, meals in the weekend tend to be a bit different to weekdays since there’s more time to make things. Also I might go out for coffee or breakfast, or have a bit of a treat (yesterday it was an almond croissant). Funnily enough, today isn’t toooo much different to what I’d eat on a week day, but here it is anyway!
I tend to have breakfast later in the weekends. During the week, I get up, get dressed and eat – because time is off the essence! But in the weekend there is more time to cruise and I kind of like lounging round in my PJs and bathrobe for a little bit longer before I have breakfast. Today I didn’t feel overly hungry so I just had a slice of home made rye and seed bread (which is quite dense and filling) with avocado plus a latte that I made with our coffee machine. Thoroughly enjoyed this!
After breakfast we got a text asking us to go out with some of my husband’s side of the family, so when I got to the cafe I had a smoothie. I kind of made an impulse order and got a berry smoothie with greens. Berries and greens make an unfortunate looking coloured smoothie so it doesn’t look very attractive. It was ok, I think I like my smoothies better though – it needed a banana. Heaps of smoothies have ice cream in them (well at a couple of the cafes where I live anyway). I kind of feel like it should be classified as a milkshake if it’s got ice cream – goes to show it’s always good to check the ingredients list. Mine was ice cream free.
I ended up doing a few bits and pieces when I was out and got home later than I had expected. So I was pretty hungry! Not pictured here is a piece of peanut butter toast that I ate while I was making my eggs! I scrambled eggs with a bit of grated cheese, then had it on toast spread with avocado and tomato, spinach and beetroot chutney on the side. Delish! Eggs have been a common lunch for me lately – they’re easy, a good source of protein and contain lots of vitamins and minerals. I just can’t wait to have them soft poached again once I’ve had baby – my favourite way to eat them.
I also had a couple of kiwifruit.
Afternoon snack:
In the weekends I will often make a recipe or two for the blog, and this was one of them. Of course if you cook, you have to taste test, so I ate one of these which I’m calling cranberry coconut whip. It turned out very tasty so I’ll share the recipe soon. I had this around mid afternoon when I came back from walking the dog.
Just before cooking dinner I had a nibble on a few nuts and three squares of Lindt 70% dark chocolate.
On Sundays I tend to feel like homely type meals. Often we’ll have roast chicken and vegetables but tonight I had some rump steak that I needed to use so I made beef stroganoff. This recipe used tomato paste, stock, paprika, Dijon mustard and sour cream and it was delicious. I served it with kumara mash plus lots of vegetables (leek, broccoli and peas). The photo looks very 80’s but oh well, tasted great!
If I get hungry a little later I might have some yoghurt or fruit (or both), but that’s me for now. Hope you guys had an awesome weekend.
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