If you’ve been feeling more couch potato than energizer bunny, then it could be time to look at your diet and lifestyle to see how you can boost your energy levels. These are the ten tips I look at for my clients (and myself!) when they’re down on energy.
[typography font=”Droid Sans” size=”18″ size_format=”px” color=”#54d9e3″]1. Water[/typography]
Water is the essence of life. If you are dehydrated, then you’ll feel tired and sluggish. Aim to get 8 glasses of water/fluids a day, more if you’re exercising. You’ll feel more alert, your skin will be better and you’ll have more energy.
Want to know if you’re hydrated? Check the colour of your pee. If it’s pale in colour, then you’re hydrated. Note this trick doesn’t work if you’re taking vitamins.
[typography font=”Droid Sans” size=”18″ size_format=”px” color=”#54d9e3″]2. Watch your intake of sugar and refined carbs [/typography]
Sugar and refined carbohydrates are a big energy zapper. They’ll give you a spike in blood sugar, then a big drop which will make you feel drowsy and craving more sugar. Stick to low GI, wholegrain carbs most of the time and keep sugary foods as a treat. Got a sweet craving? Low GI fruits such as apples will give you a sweet craving without a spike in your blood sugar.
[typography font=”Droid Sans” size=”18″ size_format=”px” color=”#54d9e3″]3. Get outdoors[/typography]
Getting outside for some fresh air and sunshine can do wonders for energy levels. Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin, because we make it through our skin via the sunlight. Because we’ve got so good at covering up, more and more people are becoming deficient in Vitamin D, which can make you feel lethargic. Get outside before the sun gets too hot and get a little sunlight on your skin so you can get making some Vitamin D.
[typography font=”Droid Sans” size=”18″ size_format=”px” color=”#54d9e3″]4. Get moving[/typography]
Being active gets the blood pumping around your body, giving you a boost in energy. Getting active also causes the release of feel good hormones called endorphins – another energy booster.
[typography font=”Droid Sans” size=”18″ size_format=”px” color=”#54d9e3″]5. Eat lots of vegetables[/typography]
If there was only one recommendation I could make for good nutrition, it would be to add lots of vegetables to your diet.Vegetables are amazing sources of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other phytochemicals. protecting you from ill health and will keep you feeling healthy and full of energy. Don’t reserve vegetables just for dinner time, add a generous serve of vegetables at lunch too to up your nutrient levels.
[typography font=”Droid Sans” size=”18″ size_format=”px” color=”#54d9e3″]6. Allow wind down time[/typography]
Technology means we’re always always connected. Work isn’t just 9-5 anymore, you can check your emails at home and get called on your mobile. When we’re always connected, and busy with both work and social lives we’re often running on adrenaline and other stress hormones. This leaves you feeling zapped of energy and weakens your immune system. Allow time each day to switch off. Sit in a quiet place, read a book or magazine, have a warm bubble bath, anything that relaxes you and enjoy the quiet time to recharge your batteries.
As always an awesome, informative and easy to read post. I’m going to try and become more energised after reading this!
Thanks Sarah 🙂