Happy Friday! Today I thought I’d share with you some interesting articles I’ve read lately, plus some writing I’ve been doing for other cool websites. There’s also a link to a great giveaway I’ve got running over on my facebook page for a $100 Rebel Voucher. Nothing like some great new fitness gear to keep you motivated to move!
Things have been a little quiet around here lately, but I’ve been super busy working on other nutrition things, plus some new things for Eat Well NZ next week. Have a great weekend, and happy reading.
1. Sugar substitutes – what’s best, and how to eat less sugar
I’ve written a few articles for a great new website called Finda Vital. This one’s all about sugar, some of different sugar substitutes and how to eat less sugar. Read it here
2. Settling the grain debate
This is a fantastic article written by Precision Nutrition. I’ve been meaning to do a post like this, but no need as this sums up the research pretty nicely. Read it here

Image from here
3. Paleo for babies
Not something I’m keen on for a number of reasons, the main one is summed up in this article right here regarding a certain DIY baby formula in an upcoming book.
4. Should you go low carb?
A few of my thoughts on the low carb debate over at Finda Vital. Read it here
5. Giveaway alert!
In case you missed it on Facebook, I’m giving away a $100 Rebel Sport voucher. Find out how to win here.
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