Years ago, when I didn’t have such a healthy relationship with food, snacking would be one thing that would play on my mind. Should I snack? Should I just ride out the hunger until my next meal? Would skipping snacks make me lose weight? I had so many questions, and there were lots of opinions on the answers, but the real answer came from within and could be answered with this question. Are you really hungry? If yes, then eat! But choose something that’s filling, nourishing and delicious.
Learning to listen to your body and eat a nourishing diet that works for you are two of the best things you can do for yourself. As a nutritionist, I work with my clients to do this and I’d encourage you to do it too. Following the latest fad diet, following strict food rules or cutting out whole food groups isn’t a sustainable way to be healthy and feel great (unless of course you have a specific food allergy or health condition).
Now I’m in tune with my body and have a healthy relationship with food, I trust my hunger. So if I’m hungry, and it’s a while till the next meal, then I’ll eat. And I’ll choose something delicious and nourishing that keeps me full in between meals.
Choosing healthy snacks can:
- boost your nutrient intake
- improve energy levels
- help you avoid going for those not so healthy food choices when you’ve avoided your hunger signals
- Choosing a snack containing protein and carbohydrate can also help your muscles recover after a workout if you’re not going to get a chance to eat for a while.
One snack I’ve recently tried that is super delicious is Anchor Greek. It’s a low fat creamy yoghurt that’s high in protein and taste. It’s thick and creamy, with a tasty fruity layer of either strawberry, passionfruit or pear. Being high in protein, it helps keep you nice and full, and the fruit layer adds such a delicious flavour. Basically it’s deliciously good for you!
It comes in perfect 180g snack sized pottles, or you can get bigger 450g tubs. If you prefer your Greek plain, there’s a bigger 900g plain tub. My favourite flavour is the passionfruit, but the others are also delicious.
You’ll find it at New World or Pak n Save supermarkets nationwide.
Join the #SnackChat on Facebook and Instagram.
This post was made possible thanks to Anchor Greek. All opinions are my own.
This yoghurt looks yummy. They’d be great sized pots to take to work. I tend to get hungry in the afternoon for a snack so these would be perfect
Choosing healthy snacks can boost your nutrient intake, improve energy levels and can help you avoid going for those not so healthy food choices if you get super hungry.
I have learnt that it is ok to trust your hunger, and in fact can help your recovery from exercise if you choose snacks that contain protein and carbohydrates.
I;ve learnt that I can listen to my body about whether to snack, and healthy snacks have a lot of benefits. The yoghurt sounds ideal!