Phoenix Renata is an inspirational role model for all young women. After researching her idea overseas for 2.5 years, the make up artist launched her range Phoenix Cosmetics aged just 21. Six years on, the company has grown with seven stores around the country and an online store
Here’s how Phoenix aims to eat well, live well and staying healthy.
Being a busy business women and mum, what do you do to stay healthy?
Running around after my little girl helps!
I drinks 2 litres of water a day, which I think it ultra important for your skin and well being. I exercise when I can and try to eat healthy.
What is a typical day’s eating for you?
Fruit in the morning, water throughout the day. I try to eat my big meal at lunch time, and then have a light dinner – usually salmon or grilled chicken with veggies.
What foods are your fridge and pantry staples?
Rice, nuts and dried fruits. Dark chocolate and plenty of vegetables.
What is your favourite way to keep fit?
Running. I really enjoy running. I also enjoy taking my girl Clara to the park and playing games with her.
One healthy habit you never let slide?
Drinking plenty of water. It is so good for your skin.
Favourite healthy meal?
Grilled salmon and salad – with a yummy lime dressing.
Favourite food indulgence?
Dark chocolate.
What are your top tips for keeping your skin looking beautiful?
Cleansing off your make-up at the end of the day. Investing in really quality skin care. Using a sunscreen, and wearing make-up to protect your skin during the day.
How do you de-stress and what are your top tips for coping with stress?
Exercise helps with stress. Making sure you are taking enough, and the right vitamins for your body.
Many girls/woman struggle with maintaining a healthy body image. What do you think important to having a healthy body image and learning to love who you are?
Self esteem – this is the utmost important thing. Work on your self confidence before you do anything else. It is so important that parents encourage girls between that crucial age of 12-16. I am actually starting a charity called 16 candles, which will provide workshops to help young girls build their self esteem.
And some final words of wisdom from Phoenix…
Life is like a roller coaster, enjoy life, take the risk and go for the ride – if you don’t take the risk, you may not experience the adventure.
Always look after your self, you are no good to anyone if you are sick! Eat well, exercise and be passionate about your life’s work.
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