October is EDEN’s Love Your Body Month which is about celebrating body diversity and promoting body satisfaction -all great things to promote in a world that seems obsessed with looking “perfect”
We spend way too much time criticising what we look like, so take time out to celebrate how amazing your body is.
For Love your Body month I’m going to share tips on how to love your body – which means accepting, respecting and looking after your body.
Tip One:
Eat when you are hungry. Eat food that nourishes your body and still let yourself enjoy foods that you love but are not so healthy in moderation.
Hunger is there for a reason – it means we need to eat, don’t ignore it. We only get one body so it’s important to eat well so we can function to the best of our ability and to stay as healthy as possible. Don’t try and eliminate the foods you love. Food is a pleasure and if you love cake, eat cake but in moderation! Personally, I think life wouldn’t be as fun if we eliminated the foods that we loved. I love chocolate, and I eat and enjoy it – I just don’t go overboard.
Image from here
You can read here on more ways to help improve your body image, and check back throughout October for tips on how to love your body.
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