When the weather’s cooler, it’s easy to let healthy habits slide. Getting changed into exercise gear seems so much harder when it’s cold, and hearty, warm winter meals plus extra snacks can add up to extra kilos over winter.
Amanda at Here Comes the Sun is doing a great wee feature called “Healthy May” to help stay on track and be accountable for with healthy eating and exercise.
I thought I’d participate for May as I’m finding it harder to stay motivated to run with work being busy and the shorter days. My goal this year is to complete a full marathon so I really need to keep up my running over winter. It’s a BIG goal for me – done two half marathons, and it’s a mental jump to think about doing double that distance. I do practice what I preach in terms of nutrition, but there are still things I want to improve on.
Nutrition wise, my goals are:
1. reduce coffee consumption (have about 4 a day at the moment, which is maximum intake that I advise people, so want to get it down to two a day max)
2. eat more whole foods
3. include a fish meal at least once a week
And so far things are going well, I’ve been super busy at work so I haven’t even had a chance to have more than one coffee, I’ve been eating almonds as snacks rather than packaged snacks and have had fish three times so far this month for dinner.
In terms of running, things haven’t been so great. I managed a couple of runs, a game of hockey and a resistance workout. Planning a long 12k run this weekend.
Here’s some of what I’ve been eating:
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