Can you believe it’s already half way through 2013? The time just seems to go faster and faster! If you started with a set of goals you wanted to achieve this year, now is a great time to review them. Have you achieved what you hoped? It’s all to easy to let things slide over winter – because let’s face it it’s easier to stay inside and watch DVDs than focus on goals, plans and projects!!
I’m in fact guilty of that lately, having neglected Eat Well NZ over the past month. Sorry!
So I’m now re motivating myself to get kick started into achieving some of the things I wanted to do this year, including posting regularly on Eat Well NZ.
Here’s my mid year goals:
1. Complete a full marathon
I’ve never been a speedy runner, but a primary school running experience made me realise that it was something I could get better at. I remember we used to run around the local park and get a rod depending on how fast you ran it. The first time I think I came second to last and I got a teeny red rod. I felt so disappointed. But by the end of the running season, I was getting the top coloured rod and coming in in the top ten. From that I caught the running buzz. That feeling of personal achievement is still something I get when I achieve a goal I’m aiming towards in running. I think because I’m not particularity talented in the sporting department, I like the fact you can compete and achieve against yourself.
I’ve now done two half marathons and I really want to do a full. My goal is just to get across the finish line! I’m now in the second week of my training programme – and so far so good! My 13k run in the weekend felt great. 17 weeks to go!
2. Enrol in a Sports Nutrition paper
This year I’ve worked with a few athletes completing iron man, half iron man and marathons. This along with the last Dietetics conference has really sparked my interest again in sports nutrition and I’m keen to increase my knowledge. I’m going to be enrolling in Advanced Sports Nutrition which starts next semester. So I’m going to be pretty busy what with work, study, sport and training, but it will be all worth it in the end 🙂
3. Have a makeover
Not me, my blog! I’d really like to give my blog a makeover to make it it more user friendly and easier on the eye. I just need to enlist someone who is talented and clever in web design and get it started!
What are your goals for the year?
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