When the weather is warmer and the days longer I have no trouble getting out and exercising, I enjoy it. But I have to admit these cold, dark evenings are making it much harder for me to get outside and get moving. As soon as I start running, it’s fine, it’ just the thought of getting changed out of my cosy clothes and going outside into the elements that puts me off.
Here’s some tips I find useful to help keep me moving in the cooler months:
- Enlist a workout buddy
I think this is the most useful thing I’ve ever done to help keep fit. Last year, I met once a week with two of my lovely friends to pound the pavements, even on the freezing days when there was rain threatening. If it was up to me on those not so nice days, I know I would have gone home and put my feet up. But I never wanted to let my friends down, so not turning up wasn’t an option. And after one run in the drizzle and cold I realised that actually it wasn’t that bad getting a wee bit wet as I felt great afterwards. I really need to start this buddy run up again!
- Find something you can do indoors.
For when I really don’t want to go outside or drive to the gym, I’ve been using the Nike Training Club app to do an indoors workout. This app is amazing! My abs were so sore the day after using it. It uses functional training which is one of the most efficient ways to work out, giving you an overall body workout in the shortest amount of time. You can download it for free here. Other ideas are a workout DVD, skipping rope or hiring a treadmill.
- Set a minimum number of times you’ll work out
I make a ‘rule’ with myself that I’ll exercise at least three times a week. If I don’t I feel blah. But setting a minimum guideline really makes me get out there and do it when I really don’t feel like it. Three is quite achievable – I play hockey once a week, which is so fun it’s not hard to be motivated to play, then I just have to do two others. I think especially setting a minimum schedule makes you accountable and not let the “I’ll exercise tomorrow” saying roll on from one day to the next.
- Buy yourself some new gear
Ok this one is shallow, but I do find that having a lovely new workout outfit spurs me on to workout. I’m loving my new Nike Free Run +3 shoes for shorter runs and the gym. The neon pair are amazing!
- Remember the benefits
Exercise boosts your immune system which is just what you need in winter to help keep those nasty cold and flu bugs away. It also boosts your mood (something I need more of in winter!) and helps keep away that winter weight gain that seems to happen in the cooler months.
What helps keep you motivated to exercise?
Great tips, I especially like “set a minimum number of times you’ll work out”.
I find working out in the morning the best way for me to stay motivated. Yes, it’s cold, but by organising myself the night before all I have to do in the morning is brush my teeth, have something to eat and go. Wearing gym clothes to bed is a really good tip!
I also tell myself before I go to sleep “I can’t wait to work out in the morning” and it seems to trickle into my subconscious, sleeping brain!
Yeah, working out in the morning means there’s no excuses later in the day! As soon as Pippa calms down in the mornings I think I might start exercising in the morning. I like telling yourself that you can’t wait to work out! It’s all about the mind 🙂