Feeling a bit flat? Finding it hard to get moving? September has been a wee bit like that for me. It’s been a tough month with lots happening but now I’m feeling motivated and have been busy getting active. Here’s how you can reboot your motivation to get moving.
Found via Move Nourish Believe
1. Start an inspiration board
Buy a pin board and cover with inspirational quotes and images that will help remind you of your goals and what you want to achieve. cut out pictures from magazines, find them online, or use Pinterest. Keep your pin board where you’ll see it often – it’s a constant reminder of what you want to be working towards.
2. Enlist a buddy
There’s nothing like a friend with the same goals to help motivate you. Discuss your goals with friends and find some one to get on board with you. Instead of meeting for coffee and cake, meet for a walk or run. Keep in touch regularly to support and encourage each other to reach your goals.
3. Set a challenge
Challenge yourself is a good way to help keep yourself motivated. Whether it’s increasing your distance slightly each time you run, or trying to beat a personal best time – set a challenge and work towards it – it makes working out all that wee bit more motivating.
Image from pfit
4. Don’t give into excuses
It’s so easy to think of excuses and talk yourself out of exercise. I always ask myself, is that a legitimate reason or is it an excuse? 99% of the time it’s an excuse! I like to use the Nike motto and “Just do it”. The more you push through those excuses, the easier it gets to get moving.
5. Use a smart phone app
There are lots of apps out there for smart phone users that can help keep you motivated for exercise. I like the Nike Running app – at each km it tells you your pace, and you get good stats so you can see how your run compared to past ones. There are lots of other apps out there too – programmes to help you run your first 5k or to reach 100 push ups. Search the app store and have a look for something that suits you.
What are your favourite ways to get motivated?
Thanks for posting about the Nike app – I’ve downloaded it for the smartphone I recently “inherited” from my boyfriend, & it’s awesome! Really motivating to hear when I get to the next 1km, and I love seeing what my pace is.
Lucky you inherited a smart phone! Yes I agree, I love hearing when I’ve reached my next km and I find it really useful when I’m trying to do a run in a certain time so I can keep an eye (or an ear!) on my pace. It’s a great app.