December always seems to be a super busy month, and when it’s busy, exercise is often one of the first things to slip. The good news is you don’t need a lot of time to fit in a work out, and you can even do it at home with no equipment. I’ve asked the lovely Amanda from Move Love Eat to share with us today a quick at home full body workout.
So no excuses people, keep active and give Amanda’s workout a go. Here’s Amanda’s post:
Hi lovelies! I’m Amanda from Move Love Eat!
I am a former ridiculously unhealthy person who after packing on a few too many kg’s decided enough was enough and started getting into exercise so much so that I am a freshly qualified personal trainer! I still indulge a little too often in some ‘naughty’ foods but am enjoying creating some amazing clean foods as well. I believe in being the best you, living life to the fullest and nourishing your body!
Nicola asked me to put together a quick no equipment full body at home workout that you can smash out in under 20 minutes and get back to that thing called life (which conveniently always happens to be super busy at this time of the year!).
I’ve been following Nicola’s blog for ages now and really love her work (I even interviewed her for my Inspiring people series on the Move Love Eat Blog) so am super excited to put together this workout for you!
To get yourself ready for the workout you will just need yourself, a drink of water handy and something to use for your shoulder presses (you can skip this and just do bodyweight ones, otherwise I recommend using either two tins of canned food, two water bottles filled with water or even your broom!).
I even did a super quick video for you of how to perform the moves, be kind it’s my first time ever attempting to video a workout!
Here’s a video of the moves, followed by a description below of the workout.
Begin by doing Jumping Lunges by bringing yourself down into a lunge position and then jumping up and landing in a lunge position with the opposite leg forward to the one that was originally in front of you. If you find the jumping lunges too hard then just do static alternating lunges. Perform one lunge then come back up on to two feet and then lunge forward with the opposite leg (ie. No jump in between).
Next we move into Mountain Climbers, you will need to pop yourself down on to the ground and then up into a plank position, you then need to bring one leg at a time as close as you can into your chest. Do this as quick as you can without loosing your form, you can also do this nice and slowly if you are a newbie!
The Overhead Press is where we will use our tinned goods or whatever else we have found to use, once again feel free just to use your body weight and move your arms in the motion. Start by putting your arms straight out to the side of you then bend your elbows as though you are about to show off your guns, now push up above you until your arms are straight above you – making sure you don’t completely lock your elbow out (this is super important when you start doing heavier weights!).
Now move on down into the plank position, instead of doing a standard plank you are going to be doing Plank Touches. You do these by hoping into the plank position, making sure your back is nice and straight we don’t want you arching up or sagging down towards the ground, then simply reach one hand out in front of you and tap or touch the ground just in front of you, repeat with the opposite side.
While you are down on the ground we will move you into the pushup position. From here you have a decision to make, if you are new to exercise I would suggest doing your pushups on your knees, if you have done pushups before and are comfortable with them then try doing them on your toes (commonly known as man push ups) and if you can’t do the full 10 drop on to your knees when you can’t do any more on your toes.
Last but not least we are going to perform a wall sit, find a wall anywhere in your house – or against the outside of the house whatever is close to where you are working out and pretend you are going to sit down on a seat with your back against the wall. Try to hold the position for 30 seconds, if you can’t do the full 30 seconds in one go split it into 3 lots of 10 seconds or 2 lots of 15 seconds, whatever is going to work for you!
Now you get to take a well earned break! Grab a sip or two of water and wait a minute or two to catch your breath and then go again for round two. You should be able to complete 4-6 rounds of all the exercises! If you are super quick you could theoretically get through 10 rounds (now that’s something to build up to!).
Thanks for reading lovelies! Please do tag me @MoveLoveEat if you give the quick at home full body workout a go!
For more workouts like this or some yummy healthy recipes pop on over to the Move Love Eat blog or follow me on social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest!
You’re doing well Amanda. Even though this was posted in 2014, this workout is still relevant and helpful. With plenty of people on the go, this quick workout is very helpful, especially since there are no equipments necessary. Thanks for sharing this!