Sometimes rice crackers just don’t cut it when you want a savory, crunchy snack. That’s where Kenny’s Kumara Chips step in. While they are higher in fat than rice crackers, they have around half the fat of your average potato chip. Plus they also provide some nutrients. Kumara Chips from Kenny’s are rich in beta carotene, high in dietary fibre, and a high source of Vitamin C, iron, calcium and fibre. So while they still fit in the “treat food” category (they contain a fairly high % saturated fat), they make a good alternative to potato chips when you feel like a treat. And they taste pretty good too.
They are available in two flavours – natural and salt and pepper and retail for $3.99 a bag.
Yum! Is Kennys a New Zealand brand?
Hi Megan, yip it sure is.
NO they are done in china, it advises this on the packet – possibly owned by a nz company ?
Kenny’s is a NZ Company. BUT they are made in China, like quite a few food products. Was a bit disappointment to see this actually when I looked at the packet.
Funny that you called these savory. I bought a packet of the “natural” ones and they were unnaturally sweet. Turns out maltose is listed in the ingredients. Would have preferred them to add salt rather than sugar.
I guess they are savoury with a touch of sweet, but more of a savoury snack than a sweet one. I wonder if they added maltose since kumara are a bit sweeter than potato and they were trying to enhance that sweeteness? Who knows. I’d prefer no added sugar to my savoury snacks.