I’m one of those people that spend hours in the supermarket checking out all the new products! I also end up spending way too much at the supermarket because I can’t resist putting in extras. I love food and thought I’d start a new series once a month of new foods I’ve tried, their benefits and how I rate them so you can try out some of the foods I like too! Here’s some of the new things I’ve bought recently.
1. Kombucha
So I’ve been hearing all about kombucha and other fermented foods for a long time lately but never ventured further than my usual yoghurt in terms of pro-biotic fermented foods. When I saw my local Moore Wilsons store now stocked kombucah I thought I had to try it out. I was a little hesitant but it was good. Good as in really quite tasty and refreshing! The flavour was really pleasant, almost like cider and it was really fizzy!
Kombucha is made by fermenting tea with a bacterial and yeast culture plus sugar. Because it’s fermented it does contain small amounts of alcohol (less than 1%)
The brand I bought House of Kombucha contains 85 calories, 17g of carbohydrate including 12.5g of sugar for a 330ml bottle. Per 100ml it has 3.8g of sugar. This is less than half of fruit juice (approx 10.7g per 100ml).
This is definitely a tasty and healthier alternative to other sweet drinks and I really enjoyed it, and that bacteria is good for your gut health. I’m thinking I might try and make my own as it’s not cheap to buy. This was $6.50. Worth it though for a treat.
2. Mainland Noble Cheddar
This cheese is the perfect compromise between flavour and fat content. My husband moans if I buy Edam as he says it tastes boring. He’s a tasty cheese guy. And tasty is definitely tasty. Mainland Noble is the answer to our cheese arguments. It tastes fantastic and it’s actually lower in fat than Edam. Noble contains 30% less fat than Tasty cheddar but it has a much stronger taste than Edam. It’s creamy, smooth and delicious and I totally recommend it.
3. The Collective Tummy Love Yoghurt
I was recently sent this yoghurt to try out which I was excited to try as The Collective do make delicious yoghurt. I do chop and change between yoghurt brands, but The Collective have some awesome flavours that I often buy. I eat a fair amount of yoghurt and mix it up with The Collective but also always a natural, unsweetened yoghurt too such as Symbio or De Winkles.
Tummy love contains quinoa, chia, linseed and buckwheat as well as blueberry and it’s quite filling as a snack with some fresh berries. It’s a nice flavour and contains both prebiotic and probiotic cultures. Prebiotics are a food source for probiotics, so consuming them together helps support colonisation of the good bacteria in your gut. My favourite The Collective yoghurt though is still Black Plum.
I’d been wanting to try Pana Chocolate for a long time, and I bought some a wee while ago to try. It’s handmade with raw, organic ingredients which is reflected in the price. It’s between $8-$9 for a 45g bar. I had the coconut and goji flavour. I thought it was nice, but the texture of the chocolate wasn’t as smooth as other brands I’ve had. This was most definitely best served chilled which made the goji nice and chewy. A yummy treat and a good option if you want organic and raw – but I do love Green and Blacks Organics, Dark Lindt and Whittakers for a cheaper option that’s a little creamer in texture.
I love collective yoghurt- their ginger one is awesome but I might have to branch out and try some new flavours!
I want to try all of these! Especially the cheese and the chocolate, yummmm!
Cheese and chocolate have to be two of the most delicious things 🙂