Isn’t it awesome when you find out that there is a better way to do something you’re already doing, or something to make life easier? Life is busy and I’m all for doing things more efficiently. When it comes to working out I want to get the best pay back for my effort and not have anything hold me back. Here’s my top tips that are going to help you save money, get fit faster and be more comfortable while you work out.
How to work out more efficiently
To get fit faster, high intensity interval training (HIIT) is the way to go.This involves alternating high intensity exercise followed by a recovery period at a lower intensity. Les Mills GRIT classes are an example of one type of HIIT but there are also HIIT exercises you can do at home for free. The app Nike Training Club has some workouts that are HITT, and it’s free to download on your iphone.
This type of training provides the benefits of longer endurance workouts in shorter periods of time. Before you get started with HIIT it’s good to already have a base level of fitness as it’s quite intense. You can read more about HIIT here.
More comfortable workouts
It’s not something we often talk about, but I’m putting it out there. Sometimes exercising with your period can be a pain. If you’re not into tampons or you need something for a lighter day, then wearing a pad or liner can be uncomfortable. They bunch up and move during your workout – especially if it’s a high intensity workout. I’ve been trialling a new product that’s out and it’s specifically designed for working out – U by Kotex Sports Ultrathins and they are really good! They are flexible and thin so they’re comfortable and discrete. They are also really absorbent (they have a specially designed FLEXFIT core) and are designed to mould and contour to the body as you move to protect against leaking. No need to take my word for it though, you can try it yourself for free. Simply click here to get your free sample.
More motivating music

Don’t you hate it when you’re in a great rhythm with your run and then your music hits a really slow beat song? I’ve got the best thing to solve that problem on Spotify. This music app finds your running tempo and then it plays music that matches this. They’ve also got premixed running playlists which are awesome because I get bored of mine quite quickly. This is a great way to keep your workout fun and interesting.
Working out for less
When it comes to working out, I’m quite stingy. I know some people enjoy the gym, but for me the cost vs enjoyment doesn’t add up. I like to exercise in the great outdoors, and when the weather’s bad I workout at home. With just a few small pieces of equipment you can get a fantastic workout for very little cost.
At home I have a skipping rope, a set of weights, a yoga mat, my iphone with apps. If I can’t run, sometimes I’ll skip as it’s a low cost, simple way to get fit fast. You work both your lower body and your arms at the same time whilst boosting cardiovascular fitness. I know skipping can be hard when first starting out, if you’re keen to try it out here’s a plan to build up your skipping fitness over 10 weeks.
Nike Training Club is my go to fitness app, you can do yoga, high intensity interval training or focus on specific workouts for areas you want to target such as arms or abs. The app is free too. If you’re a running Nike Running is also another free app and I use this each time I run to track my speed and distance. It also has training plans you can follow.
Tell me, do you have any great workout tips??
Thanks to U by Kotex I’ve got a 2 x ! $100 Rebel Sport Voucher to give away! To be in the drawer to win, simply comment below with one of your workout tips. Competition now closed.
And why not sign up for a free sample too – get it here
This post was sponsored by U by Kotex
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Rebecca + Kuini! Keep an eye on your emails over the next week as I’ll be in touch to arrange your prize
Loved reading this post! My tip would be working out or going for a run with a friend. I find it helps motivate me and also encourages each other!
Get a workout buddy, it provides motivation to get out there plus it is time efficient, workout plus a social get together all in one!
Yoga classes are great – the room is already warm, you don’t have to think about what to do next, the instructor gives you feedback on your poses, and the collective vibe is far better than doing it alone!
Try something new & mix up your routine
Have a coffee prior, go hard, drink lots of water afterwards and enjoy the burn … No pain no gain… It feels after trust me
Working out with a friend and don’t be too hard on yourself tomorrow is another day.
You are the only one you have to prove anything to.
Always eat something small pre workout to burn fuel… Keep hydrated, and then eat something high protein / shake / some salami sticks are great afterwards
And buy clothes that fit comfortably so it not always tugging in ur clothing
my tip would be to get a dog! I have to go out walking even when I don’t feel like it! Apart from that yes the right music is so important so make a few playlists to suit what mood you’re in 🙂
Set your workout gear out the night before so when your alarm goes off you can grab it and hit the streets! Also create a routine you can do anywhere that way if your away from home you have no excuses 🙂
Do something fun! Meet friends for a class, try HIIT, do calming yoga, walk on the beach with your dog. Just do what makes you feel good and happy.
Do a range of different types of exercise otherwise your body will get used to it and your fitness will platau.
My tip is to get a dog because I have to get out walking every day even when I don’t feel like it 🙂
Organize yourself the night before, gym bag, clothes, snacks & drinks. This leads to a stress free and quick exit for my pre work workout
I’ve got 3 kids and work full-time so I have to get up at 4.30 to have any chance of a workout. My tip is to sleep in your workout clothes! Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it lol.
Having good music is definitely key for me to have a great workout. I like music that’s got a good beat and makes me want to dance when I’m out for a walk because it helps keep my energy up. I’ve signed up for some of those U by Kotex products as well, can’t wait to give them a go – I find exercising when I’ve got my period helps to lessen cramps.
I really need a workout buddy because I need sometime to kick mu butt and get it into gear. I haven’t worked out in forever but I have been thinking about it for a while. Unfortunately, motivation escapes me and I haven’t acted on it except for our usual long walks around our area or the beach. I might start slow and use the stuff I already I have at home like skipping rope, weights and yoga mat. I’m stingy too and I can’t justify a gym membership at this point. You have a great tips here though!
Having a bag in the car with my gym gear in it means I’m always prepared and have no excuse not to workout! Also planning ahead, at the beginning of each week, by writing down what I am going to focus on each day whether it be cardio, resistance or weights helps to keep me on track and saves precious time!
Group fitness works a treat! If there are running groups or classes at the gym definitely sign yourself up for those. Also buying new work out gear is definitely a booster!
Set up a good exercise music playlist! Nothing better than upbeat songs to get you in the mood!
Good gear is essential to me! Being comfortable and well supported makes a workout much more pleasant.
Always warm up for 5 minutes and try and get in the 60% heart rate zone, and try out dynamic stretches. I found this prevents me from lagging behind during the first minutes of HIIT and actually getting the most of the entire workout!
Have a training buddy! I work out with my boyfriend and it’s great. He motivates me and keeps me accountable. Best of all, we get to spend time together while working towards a healthier lifestyle! Win-win 🙂
My tip would be to always do a proper warm up at the start and stretch afterwards! Saves a whole lot of soreness
Find a routine you enjoy doing! For me, its Spin classes twice a week, then HIIT training once a week, along with a weight training session once a week. Changing it up a bit keeps it fun and interesting for you! Also having a workout buddy really helps 🙂 If you don’t want to work out with someone, load up an amazing playlist, put your headphones in and go hard!
Often the fact that it’s called a ‘workout’ creates a mental barrier for some people. Make it fun and do what YOU enjoy – jumping on a trampoline or learning to paddle board can be just as challenging and rewarding as slogging it our on a treadmill. If you don’t enjoy it, you won’t reap the full physical, mental and emotional benefits that exercise can offer.
Finding something that you enjoy is important so you don’t have to struggle to find motivation to exercise. However, you also need to mix it up with something different every now and then to get the most of it!
Mix up your workouts, never be doing the same workout routine for too long. Change it up every 4-6 weeks. Having a friend to workout with always helps too!
Best workout tip – do it with a friend!
You are committed to a plan and motivate each other! 🙂 My fav workout especially with summer coming up is bush/beach walks with the dog and little strength circuits with squats and lunges etc 🙂
For other workout videos, Fitness Blender (on youtube) have hundreds of them with such a range to choose from. Their videos don’t have music which is great as you can play your own!
Definitely need to have a workout buddy, makes the workout go faster and you seem to work harder. I also need comfortable gear, new gym gear keeps me motivated
Loved reading this! Top tip would be to mix up your exercises so you’re not constantly doing the same thing every workout 🙂 try runninh one day, circuit training the next day, swimming the day after and biking after that! Plus, working out with your friends is mega fun as you feel more determined to get that body you want! 🙂
One of my tips is to have a photo of your goals, something you can refer back to, and continues to motivate during a workout! Whether it’s a photo of a dress you really want to fit into or simply just a photo of a super toned stomach. I find this works for me ????????
I try to keep it fun…and with two active toddlers that’s no problem. We go for walks on the beach, play on monkey bars, have sprint races to pick up toys 🙂
Good music to work out to, eating healthy, a very active dog & the man counting my reps (no cheating for me) keeps me at 50kgs.
Going along with a friend is always a little more motivating! Doing a sport you like is more fun than gymming for me as well so that’s something I’m looking at doing! 🙂
Def use music for running, it helps keep the intensity up and distracts from you getting tired. so making sure the Ipod goes straight to get charged as soon as i walk in from my run. Also getting a new piece of work out clothing every now and then, makes you feel good and motivated at the same time. 🙂
Breathe! I always forget to breathe as much as I should and it makes exercising so much more difficult. Breathing is so important!!
I have recently bought myself a couple of dumb bells (my best by in a while) you can do such a variety of exercises with them. I enjoy holding one in each hand and doing lunges from one room to the other or hallway in my home 🙂 good for sculpting your butt, strengthening glutes and arms. x
Awesome post 🙂 My top tip would be to invest in a gym bag. It’s a great place to keep everything you might need so you won’t get to your workout destination and find that you are missing something!
Get someone to exercise with you that’s going to be someone that is great at motivating you – nothing more than not pushing yourself mix it up like over winter maybe classes in the gym and definitely over the summer stick to enjoyin the fresh air the shower at my gym was always my reward they are always so hot and can sneak a few extra minutes as no one on clock watching and iron &straightener so was kind of my way to reward myself set realistic goals xo
Wearing clothing appropriate to go for a walk in is a great way to encourage you to go walking when you are out! (I live in the Mount!). Keeping a pair of headphones in your bag or car also helps.
My workout tip would be to mix it up regularly so you don’t get bored of one workout routine and can stay motivated
Even when you really don’t want to, make yourself workout; you’ll feel better afterwards! But always listen to your body.. If you’ve been training hard for a couple of days, take a break to avoid overtraining or burnout!
My silly yet effective tip is: join a gym that you will drive past daily. I joined one that’s on my way to work, so whenever I’m going to or from my job, it practically screams at me to get my butt in there. If I pass it on the way home without stopping in, I feel the guilt!
make sure your workouts across a week are a mix of flexibility, strength and endurance so you can effectively build all elements of your fitness
Exercise with friends! I love running and chatting. You don’t notice the distance.
My workout tip is, book in to a Pilates class and do it. Simple. Make the commitment and the motivation follows. Sure does feel good. Inbetween days, choose to walk to the shops instead of driving. Also feels good !
Love this post Nicola,
My two things are to ensure always have headphones to play good music to keep me motivated and ensure I have a drink bottle with me to stay hydrated otherwise I find I can’t get through my session as well
Having had a workout buddy since June has totally helped me stay on track, we keep each other going when the other isn’t feeling it plus we laugh a lot and swear when the going gets tough!
Get your gear out ready to go before you go to bed so there’s no mucking around in the morning and therefore no excuses!!
Make a plan to do it with a friend, it’s always hard to say no when someone else is relying on you 🙂 also, I find a good thing to remember is: you never regret a work out, but you’ll regret not doing one.
My top tip is finding a buddy! I can make never ending excuses to myself but, with a buddy, I’m held accountable and have that extra pressure!
I feel it’s important to warm up and cool down after exercises to help lessen the chance of injury.
Just remembering that feel good feeling and energy boost after exercising and using it as mmotivation to do it!
Awesome read and some good tips. My top tip would be to mix up your routine so you dont get bored. If your sick of the running on the treadmill, try running outsde, try a different route everytime and you get some great tracks. Also add in wight training, will help boost your cardio workout and get nice and toned. 🙂
Get your workout clothes ready the night before and dress straight into them when you get up. Gets you motivated
Make a good playlist, make a plan and stick to it!
i always go to the gym and night with a friend! only for self confidence reasons! and I also drink a big glass of water after you have done if you feel hungry! Because then your stomach will full up and you won’t need to eat as much!
if going to the gym is too expensive, simoly download the Nike app or even use a skipping rope to keep your fitness up!
Sometimes I find it hard to get out of the office during the day for a lunchtime workout (& when Wellington weather is awful it’s not that appealing) so I throw on my sneakers and walk the stairs of our building (13 floors = plenty of stairs) gets the heart rate going and those endorphins flowing.
Make sure you bring a towel to wipe the sweat off your face ! Also have a plan of what you’re going to do at the gym before you get there as this means you’re not stuffing around and can have an effective workout.
Get a like minded workout buddy to help keep you motivated!
If you plan on exercising after work I always put my gear in the car and head straight to the gyms or pool. This was there’s no temptation to just stay at home!!
I’m far more motivated to exercise when being outdoors rather than in a gym. There’s so many beautiful inspiring places where you can train and push your limits without feeling like your exercising at all.. Take ya friends, kids dogs, bikes rollerblades etc and just enjoy
Do NOT go home post work, pre exercise! It’s too easy to just sit on the couch and change your mind. Take gym gear to work, get changed and go straight away or it won’t happen
Wear workout clothes that get you excited! New ones are always the best! Also visulise yourself halfway through sweaty as hell but looking boss as and super fit, that always makes me want to go an kill my workout!
Always stay hydrated and eat a snack within half an hour of working out to give you energy.
I think you have to find that one thing that you enjoy, don’t stick at exercise that you dread everyday. Also it’s good to find the confidence to do it on your own so that you’re not depending on someone to go with you and you have no excuse to not go if they don’t <3 you've all got this!
Make tousle a set for what you want to do at the gym. That way you don’t waste time trying to decide what to do! Also set yourself the goal the day before for when you want to go and plan your day around it
Workout first thing in the morning before you have a chance to convince yourself out of it! It will give you a motivational boost and set you up well for the day 🙂
Workout with a friend then you can encourage each other
Do the exercise you enjoy so its not a punishment but a reward. #saynotocardio 😉
To get fit faster, high intensity interval training is the way to go.This involves alternating high intensity exercise followed by a recovery period at a lower intensity.
I always workout in the morning. It gets me out of bed, ups my energy for the morning and I get it done before other things get in the way – like impromptu after work drinks!
Have a pumping playlist that will keep you goin!
I leave my workout gear next to the bed so it is the first thing I see!! And my making an upbeat motivating music play list it makes me want to move!!!! If exercise isn’t fun and enjoyable then it won’t last!! ????????
Set a goal, then make your plan to achieve it. Small incremental steps that don’t overwhelm you will get you going. Be flexible with your plan, yet don’t compromise convenience – your goal will slowly slip away.
Greatest achievements were not gained within your comfort zone
happy training!
Commit yourself to a gym session with a friend and you’ll be surprised that you actually get up when your alarm goes off at 5am because you don’t want to let the other person down! Also, only pick exercises that you like to do…no point signing up for a 10km if you hate running 🙂
Learn what motivates you best. Some people find it easier to exercise with a friend or during a particular time of the day e.g. morning. However because we are all different you really need to try a lot of different things before you realise what works to motive and enable you to exercise. Without motivation there is no action!
Do something that doesn’t feel like exercise like a walk on the beach with friends or running around playing with the dog
I always lay out my gym gear the night before so I can hit the gym super early and crank it out first thing! Bringing along a spotify list of pumping tracks helps too!
I always seem to run better when I do a loop or circut, rather than running from point A to B and then back. It’s probably super illogical, but psychologically it makes me feel more productive which then transfers into my performance. I love not having to backtrack.
Don’t over do exercise and give your body rest days! Your body will reach a plateau and progress will Become slow! So keep your activity varied and exciting but not everyday! ?? Your body needs time to recover and grow!
Mix it up! Don’t get bored with your workouts and make an amazing playlist to amp you up!!
Lots of stretching so you don’t feel bad the next day!
laying out gym clothes the night before! Then when your alarm goes off they’re all set and ready to go!
I make sure I get a really early night then always work out in the morning before I have the chance to talk myself out of it. And always have a back up indoor home workout for if it’s raining – no excuses
workout wig a friend and use fit radio for music! It has a whole load of free music mixes which Djs put together with high bpm
My top tip first of all to find a workout or form of exercise that you love and enjoy, then it wont feel like a ‘chore’ and you will be excited when it comes time to workout 🙂 Also make a playlist with upbeat and fun songs, it will get you in the mood and you will have so much fun with your workout 🙂
I would definitely suggest working it with a friend, it makes it so much more fun and it makes it seem like hanging out with your friend rather than a chore! Another thing is to set yourself goals and grudually build up, don’t go hard out your first time, start off easy and slowly make it harder and harder ??
My fitness tips is to gradually build your self up to achieve your very best! Also, having a good night sleep the night before helps so you have plenty of energy and are in a good frame of mind! ??
Doing it with a friend makes it way more enjoyable!
Rock music and good company, sipper bottles of purified water, stretches and warm-up exercises. Working up from the bottom. Positive mind, attitude and motivation…:)
Setting out with something to achieve- it’s so easy to get tired and not push as hard on those last few reps etc, but if you set out to run a 5k loop without walking or climb that particular hill (Hakarimatas that’s you!), then you’re less likely to back out. Also it keeps things interesting and reaching goals keeps you motivated 🙂
When I work out I find having the right type of music is always really motivating and gets you going also to stretch lots 🙂
My tip that I use when doing cardio at the gym is I watch YouTube episodes of losing it with jillian Michaels it always makes me work harder
Have workout gear ready and plan it as part of your day. I don’t let myself sit down after work. I get home and put my workout gear on straight away and head out the door before I have time to back out. 🙂
Setting clear goals and intentions and understanding the why behind my workouts is my top tip. Why do you workout? Is it getting you closer to one of your fitness goals? Do you enjoy doing it? Does it give you more energy? I think that is the most important to step. To sit down and reflect on why we are working out and changing it if it’s not aligning with our interests, goals and values. Doing this allows me to put in 110% into each workout because I know exactly why I’m working up a sweat.
I find it really motivating to workout with a friend. Even if it’s just one or two days a week that you go to a Zumba class together or take the dog for a walk. My workout buddies have helped me through my lifestyle change!
I would love some new workout clothes for summer as most of mine are too big post-weightloss.
Thanks for the workout tips Nicola!
I set out all my workout clothes the night before so when I wake up I am ready to head out the door without wasting time and forgetting about my workout????
Just do it! You’ll feel great afterwards! No-one ever regrets working out!
I think of the feeling after exercising …this is the biggest motivator for me. When do you ever regret a work out? Exactly.
Pick my favourite songs and add them to a gym playlist so I look forward to listening to them while I workout!! Also taking along a friend is always motivating ????????????
If you are a morning gym goer, make sure all your bags are packed and everything is ready to go. Then when you wake up at an ungodly 5.30am, you’ll have no excuses not to go because you’re so organised!
Always take a tissue when working out or running , especially early in the morning or if it’s windy.
My nose always seems to run when I exercise, never during the day.
My tip for working out is to have a goal !! Track your improvements even if they may be slow ! And also to have a training partner to keep you motivated and to make training more fun !
I walk to Pilates and Yoga classes, that way I am warmed up, stretched and rearing to go when I get there. The walk home is a nice wind down too.
I wear my workout gear to Uni and set a strict time to get out of studying and into exercising! It’s such a good break to hit one of the trails – peaceful and beautiful to get away from the city noise. 🙂 it’s my alone time so I rarely have friends along!
Good work out tip is to always get somebody else to motivate you! Tell someone your plans and then they can encourage you to not quit and keep going 🙂
Has worked a treat for me because I’m super lazy haha 🙂
My tip for working out is drinking coconut water! It keeps me super hydrated and doesn’t make my bloated like if I guzzle a heap of water and it’s really refreshing! Keeps me going!
I keep a diary where I write down my progress. When I see how much I improve, it motivates me more, to stay in great shape.
Wear comfy workout clothes and I also have a buddy to workout with me.
Best workout tip is to remind yourself that working out = can eat more! hehe
I put my workout gear on first thing in the morning, and don’t allow myself to have a shower until it’s done. Even if it’s a super short workout. 5 minutes always leads to a bit more.
My favourite workout tip is to find clothes you love to wear! I always get excited when I know I get to wear my favourite hoodie or singlet to work out in.
Bring extra hair ties. That one that lives on your wrist will break at the most inconvenient time. I always have a few spare now after having this happen too many times.
If working out after work, a mean green smoothie is great for post work out dinner. I load it with spinach, avo, cucumber, kale powder then Apple and lime juice for sweetness.
Always drink lots of water during a workout!
You’re there to workout, pour everything you have into the minutes you are working out, in the grand scheme of 24 hours, 1 hour or 45min isn’t a long time – give it your everything and reap the rewards later.
My best tip is to find something you enjoy doing and then do it! You’re never going to stick to something long term if you don’t get any satisfaction and enjoyment out of it!
Find something you love to do and do it!! Try new things until you find that thing that doesn’t even feel like exercise anymore…Exercising with friends is also a huge motivation
Working out with a friend makes it fun and even makes you put in more effort.
I like giving myself mini goals to work towards. These can be simple things such as time goals, distance goals and rep goals. Helps me see how far I have come
I buy cute activewear that I feel like I look good in and is also comfortable. Who ever said you can’t look good exercising!
Do it for yourself, and if you are like me, your offspring! It is amazing what great motivators they are, when no one else will support you!
I have an 18 month old daughter who loves exercising with me. We are doing a home based boot camp at the moment and we watch the workout in the morning when we wake up and then she gets my shoes as if to say, come on Mummy lets do it 🙂 She is my motivation to get fit and finally lose the baby weight I haven’t lost!
Keep at it! You’ll thank yourself in the long run and always start small and work your
way up. Never out do yourself, your body can only tolerate so much 🙂