Ah, a New Year. Even though every day is a fresh start, there is just something special about the start of a New Year that makes you want to think about the year ahead and what you want to focus on and achieve for the year ahead. To be honest, as I’ve got older I haven’t been big on writing down a whole big list of dramatic resolutions, but I definitely start the year with some small things things I want to achieve as the year goes on.
Here’s a couple of things I’m focusing on for the year ahead.

One favourite of 2015 – a relaxing trip to Hanmer Springs
2015 was a super busy year for me. I almost bit off more than I could chew when it comes to extra work and ended up pretty exhausted at the end of the year. I work full time, and on top of this I wrote for FindaVital, contributed to stuff.co.nz and wrote for Healthy Food Guide, NZGirl as well as my own blog and some private consulting work. I love the work that I do but there’s only so much you can do before it gets a bit too much. I think I reached that point and by the end of December I was so hanging out for a break, I finished work a few days earlier as I really couldn’t concentrate any longer. Over the break I couldn’t even entertain the thought of blogging. I just wanted to not think. My brain needed a break! I love what I do, I just need to make sure I don’t overdo it! So, in 2016 I’m going to:
- Schedule nights off blogging/writing
- Plan fun things to do to unwind and refresh
- Plan my workload better
- Go on my laptop and phone with a purpose, and avoid mindless scrolling on Facebook an Instagram and spend that time doing something more valuable. (Note: some mindless scrolling allowed, just not as much as I have in the past. It’s such a time waster!)
- Get to bed by 10pm at the latest most nights
I was going pretty good with cross fit last year, but for the last few months of the year it totally went out the window as our lunch time class that I used to go to ceased to exist and I couldn’t easily make it fit into my life out of that. It just wasn’t a big priority. But it’s something I want to focus on again this year as I did enjoy it, it helps my running and I have pretty poor upper body strength!
So the plan is…
- Attend cross fit 2 times a week
- Use the weights I have in the spare room at home with Nike Training Club
- Push myself with heavier weights (in a safe way!)

At the top of Rocky Lookout after a trail run (excuse the bad iphone photo)
I love running and it’s something I’ve never stopped doing. Near the end of last year when I was feeling pretty exhausted and hectic, I didn’t run as much as I like to, but I still kept it up. So this year is all about building that fitness again so I can run longer distance – something I find really relaxing. Since December, I’ve got back into a 4 day running routine and I feel better for it. Running boosts my mood and energy levels which is why I love it. 2015 was the first year I didn’t train for a half marathon in about 3 years, so I’m wanting to get back into it this year. Here’s what I want to achieve.
- Beat my last half marathon time
- Do more trail running

One of my new recipe creations that I’ll be sharing shortly
Last year I really got out of the habit of making my lunch. Partly due to number 1 above. I’d work till late, think I’d make it in the morning, then run out of time. I used to buy my lunch maybe once a fortnight, max – i thought it was such a waste of money when I could nearly always make something tastier at home (which is true!). I did go through patches of being organised, particularly near the end of the year, but it was pretty hit and miss. So this year I really wanted to make an effort to get back into the habit of making lunches. And because I’m working on number 1, things so far have been on track. I’ve come up with some awesome quick and easy ideas that I’ll share with you on the blog over the next few weeks. Also, when I can I’ve been making extra vegetables at dinner to make into a lunch time creation. It’s working a treat.
What are your resolutions for 2016?
I’ve found a good way to avoid mindless scrolling on facebook is deleting the app off your phone!
You can still go on through the internet if you really need it but because it isn’t as easy it stops the mindless scrolling. But you can still do some mindless scrolling when your on the lap top!
Haha that is a good point,and a good idea… I should do that. I find a lot of my mindless scrolling is on the laptop though, when I should be working.
That was my New Years resolution last year but I got v fast at logging in. The problem I need to solve is to keep track on updates from website such as yours – Facebook is great for that you see –
Perhaps a clean out from Facebook to avoid trawling through useless stuff or just list fav websites somewhere and periodically check them like the old fashioned way. Any thoughts or suggestions needed
Yes, that’s one bonus of Facebook! I have to say that I have got better at it already. It does take discipline though.