Some food sources of magnesium, plus Healtheries 400mg High Strength Magnesium
If there is one supplement I’m asked about the most, it’s magnesium. While it’s very important to get your nutrients from food, there are some benefits from magnesium for which a higher dose supplement can be useful.
Magnesium is an essential mineral needed by every single cell in our bodies. It’s not a surprise then that a less than optimal magnesium intake could affect our wellbeing. Magnesium is used for more than 300 biochemical reactions within the body. It is involved in muscle contraction, nerve functioning, heart rhythm, energy metabolism, blood pressure, electrolyte balance, maintaining bone health, supporting heart health and more.
How much do we need?
While magnesium deficiency is rare, it is possible to have a less than optimal intake. Eating a diet high in processed, refined foods could lead to this. From the 1997 NZ Nutrition Survey the usual daily intake for magnesium averaged 265mg a day for females and 309mg for males. The recommended daily intake varies with age but for women is around 320mg a day and men is 420mg a day. Pregnant and breastfeeding women have higher needs.
Some health conditions can lead to a magnesium deficiency while caffeine, alcohol, diuretics and stress can also deplete magnesium.
What foods contain magnesium?
Magnesium is found in small amounts in a number of sources. Green vegetables, nuts, seeds and wholegrains are sources of magnesium. Magnesium is also found in avocado, cocoa,legumes, meat and seafood.
By eating a wide variety of foods, including plenty of vegetables you’ll help ensure you get an adequate intake.
What does magnesium do for the body?
As mentioned above, magnesium has a large number of roles within the body. One of the roles magnesium has is supporting the regulation of our stress response.
Dr Emily Deans describes how magnesium acts on the hormonal axis and regulation of the bodies stress response in her article in psychology today. Basically, it seems magnesium plays a role in regulating stress hormones.
One of the most popular uses of magnesium supplementation is to help with sleep. Sleep is a vital part of wellbeing, and poor sleep can leave you feeling stressed and run down. A high dose magnesium capsule like Healtheries 400mg capsule can help support a more restful sleep. Because it’s a high dose, one capsule is all you need.
Anecdotally, many find a high dose magnesium supplement helps with getting to sleep and helps sleep quality. I know my mum swears by it, I’ve used it and I’ve had a number of clients tell me they find it beneficial. There is a small amount of research to that shows magnesium may assist with sleep (see here and here) More studies will help us learn more about the effectiveness of magnesium for sleep.
Healtheries supplements are made in New Zealand, and are formulated by New Zealanders for New Zealanders. One of the good things about Healtheries Magnesium is that it is a mixture of three different sources of magnesium to help with optimal absorption.
To find out more about Healtheries magnesium, check out their website here.
Before taking supplements, discuss it with your GP as it can interact with certain medications and might not be suitable for everyone.
Want to try some? Thanks to Healtheries, I’ve got 3 bottles of Healtheries 400mg High Strength Magnesium to give away. Simply leave me a comment below. Open to NZ residents only.
Winners: Becky, Meg and Elaine
Hi, I’ve just started trying magnesium after recommendation from my yoga instructor who recommends it to everyone… I won’t see her again till next Tuesday and was wondering if you would recommend taking it before bed or in the morning, I’ve been taking it for a few days in the morning, don’t really have issues getting to sleep or staying alseep unless my husband is snoring. Anyway, if you could advise your recomendations that would be awesome.
Also, can I enter to win a bottle while I’m at it?
Thanks heaps, have an awesome day.
Yes please. I would really like to try Magnesium Supplement on my husband. He has been under so much stress lately and his sleep is patterns are all over the place. Thank you for considering us. Kind Regards. Robyn
Nive post, love your ideas, quite useful
yes please 🙂 our workplace has had many stressful changes lately and some vitamin help would be great.
Yes please! I used to take magnesium and found it really great, but have gotten slack!
I love Magnesium! I have been taking it for about 6 months now and i wouldnt be without it, my quality of sleep is better and i feel less anxious and more calm (combined with a healthy diet and exercise) and the healtheries one is the best!
Love your posts, always helpful and one of the few posts I click on regularly to read!
I take magnesium every night before bed, really helps me sleep
I have started using it as have very intense stressful job plus I don’t sleep well. Have been taking for a month and are noticing I am having better sleep. Would love some more to keep going with it
Magnesium is incredible! It has stopped my eye twitches & was a life saver for relaxing muscles after long training sessions. I’d love to have a bottle. Thanks
I would love to give Magnesium a go please. I took it a few years ago but haven’t had any for a while. 2 young kids and a busy little life leave me pretty knackered at the end of the end of the day so it may to switch my brain off!!
Would like this for my Daughter to try as she has a very poor sleeping pattern.
Usually when I’m doing my weekend warrior activities, my muscles seize up and feel cramps. After following a fellow sufferers advice before attempting any strenuous ativities is to take magnesium before I start.
After this weekends adventures I’m pleased to say I slept well, no aches well just the normal ones and best of all I getting a great nights sleep and my stress is reduced …Imagine what I could do if I took it regularly 😉
Have read loads about Magnesium and thought I would like to try this supplement – It is a big Yes Please to be chosen for a bottle. I suffer from Restless Leg Syndrome and sleepless nights and believe Magnesium would be a large benefit to me.
“Borrowed” my husbands magnesium to see if it would help with some minor cramping I was getting after a particularly physical week at work….had the best sleep in years that whole week! totally sold on magnesium!
I was experiencing really bad muscle cramping and restless sleep, a friend recommended magnesium so I picked up some Healtheries Magnesium at the supermarket and have never looked back! I have been taking it before bed for the last two years, I have an amazing night’s sleep, I wake up rested, and my muscles no longer cramp up! I wouldn’t be without it and recommend it to anyone who mentions any symptoms like what I had.
I am new to this whole game of looking after myself for the first time in many years and for the past month have changed my diet for the better – not dieting just eating well with natural healthy foods, less or no refined sugar {that’s been really hard no chocolate.. biccies.. cakes}, no added salt {no chippies} and increased my exercise to walking 4.7 km per lunch time.
Trying to get my sleep balance right so I don’t walk up tired, have more energy to spend with my family and to get into the garden now spring is here, rather than lying on the couch!
Every little assisted ‘thing’ helps.. anything to make me better, healthier, happier and back to being me 🙂
Onwards and upwards I must go 🙂 so to try magnesium would be of great benefit to me in every which way. Thank you for the opportunity and advice 🙂
Yes please I would love to try these, and also for my teen daughter. I am interested to see if it helps with my arthritis, as you know stress is not good for arthritis and lack of sleep creates stress, so to eliminate this is a great start! If it helps with bone health also thats fantastic! Think I really need to try this! Thanks for the artical!????????
Mg to help with sleep…. That would be amazing. I’m struggling with that at the moment. I will definitely have to try this!
Due to working full time and studying at night, I have been rundown and stressed out. My sleeping patterns are rubbish at the moment and I’d like the opportunity to try magnesium to help improve my sleep. This was a great read and very informative. Many thanks.
I’ve just had full knee replacement and walk a whole lot more and finding I’m waking up during the night with musle ache . A wonder if magnusuim would help
I wonder
I take magnesium for muscle cramps. Didn’t realize I was sleeping better because of magnesium. Thought it was because I wasn’t cramping. Always learning.
I would love to try magnesium for an improved nights sleep.
Magnesiums awesome, just run out so this could be good timing.
I would love to win a bottle for my husband – so I dont have to share mine!! ????
I’m pretty sure Magnesium would help with my sleep which isn’t a nice solid sleep. And my sometimes fidgety legs. Magnesiums something i’ll try for sure.
Ive just recently started researching about magnesium so have enjoyed reading your article. I do not sleep well, averaging maybe 4-5hrs a night and I suffer a very achy sore body and my stress levels are through the roof. as such I feel like a terrible mum regularly. very keen to try magnesium out to see if it helps in any of these areas.
Great post as always Nicola! Anything that helps with a good sleep gets a big tick from me, ha. 🙂
Thanks Kelsey! Hehe me too – there’s nothing better than a good night’s sleep.
Great blog and topic. I love that you’re sharing the health benefits of this amazing product… Also, perfect timing with the give away! I take these daily and am about to run out.
I suffer from a condition called Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) which is basically chronic pain localised to my face, the trigeminal nerve branches to be exact. I find a combination of magnisum and vitamin B helps support my nervous system and regulate my stress levels. As a new mum I need to be at my best to care for my wee man and because I have chosen to breastfeed im unable to take the medication required to manage the attacks of pain I have regularly. This natural supplement assists to keep pain at bay and keep me functioning even on bad pain days. Now that I’ve discovered it Id never be without it ????
It’s 3.50 am and I’ve been awake for 3 hours. StubbleD across this article on Facebook. Would sure like some to try on sleep issues ?
Would like this for my hubby to try please!
Daylight savings has my sleeping patterns all over the damn place! I’ve just started taking a multivitamin for the first time in years so it’s nice to learn more about different vitamins and what not.
This would be fabulous. I’m a huge fan of magnesium sups and my daughter is currently taking them. So… need some more!
Yes please! My family have recently started taking magnesium. My two young teenage daughters suffer terrible cramps with their periods and we were advised to try magnesium. It works! Hubby and I take it for muscle repair, anxiety and sleep. We would love to try the Healtheries brand.
Hi great to get more knowledge on supplements.Im interested in flaxseed and fish oil or omega tablets too. I need more sleep and taking extra magnesium would be a great help
So stressed since lossing a son last year and i dont sleep properly. Could be the answer
I would love to win a bottle as mine has just run out and we all now they’re not that cheap!! Thank you 🙂
P.s. Love your page.
Would love to try the Healtheries High Strength Magnesium!
What an interesting article. My gran is 97 years of age and takes absolutely no prescribed pills. She was told by a Dr in England in 1959 to take a magnesium supplement when she came to nz as we don’t have much magnesium in the soil here, or she would suffer from arthritis. At the age of around eighty with arthritis in her hands she remembered this and began taking magnesium every morning. Within six weeks, all arthritis had gone.she still takes to this day. I would love to try this supplement. Cheers
I was taking magnesium for night cramps worked so well. Ran out of them an can’t afford to buy some more. Cramp back with a vengeance
Yes please
My daughter could do with these
She has very important exams this term
Very stressful
Thanks ????
I have just started taking magnesium, and am finding it really good, would love to try the healtheries high strength ones
Would magnesium help with severe morning (all day and night) sickness? My poor daughter in law is only 6 weeks pregnant and is so sick. She was like this for her 1st pregnancy and it didn’t stop until she had her daughter!
This is amazing to read. I exercise regularly and take magnesium for cramps and sleep but had no idea it was so much more beneficial than that. I would appreciate the free magnesium offered on this giveaway.
I recommend magnesium to my friends when they talk about sleep problems and I give it to my son as well at night time. He has difficulty sleeping due to too active mind! The information on this site has led me to believe more strongly that I am doing right thing by taking magnesium. This article is not preaching to the converted but I feel that it has increased my knowledge of the benefits of it.
Many Thanks.
Great info post, thanks! With a newborn and a pre-schooler I’m thinking I’d benefit from taking these!
Im really interested in the benefits of magnesium during chemotherapy and radiotherapy, wpuld love to learn more
My daughter suffers from migraines and has been using magnesium to help prevent them. We have found that by taking magnesium on a REGULAR BASIS (this is key) that she is getting less migraines than before starting on magnesium.
i would love to try some magnesium please. I haven’t try this one. I have Fibromyalgia and Polymyalgia but haven’t found a magnesium that suits me. A lot in the group I belong to swear by it for helping out daily pain ????