Hello lovelies! Happy Friday – you’ve made it and it’s almost the weekend yah! To end the week here’s a few things I’ve seen around the internet that are share worthy – including one of my own favourite recipes.
1. This video
Gluten free – do people actually know what it’s all about? Not according to this video! As a slight aside, in my experience a lot of people think it it’s got the label gluten free on it, then it’s healthy. It’s not! Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. Those with celiac disease have an immune reaction to this protein which causes serious intestinal damage. Some people may also be sensitive to gluten and have side effects from it’s consumption, but no damage is done from it’s consumption.
2. Carly Flynn’s experience quitting sugar
Is a really good read – she gives an honest account of experience. It goes to show that one approach doesn’t always suit everyone. You can read it over at NZ Girl.
3. Lucy Eats recipe for Chia tea – get it here
Just what I need for an afternoon pick me up. Recipe here
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