Happy Friday! For the last day of the week I thought I’d focus on staying healthy in the weekend. When you’re spending time with friends, relaxing and just generally enjoying yourself, it’s all too easy for healthy eating goals to go out the window for a couple of days. And while it’s fine to have a few treats, two days of high fat, high sugar processed foods are not going to make you feel good.
Here’s my tips for staying on track with your healthy eating goals over the weekend:
* Instead of chippies and dip for entertaining, make a platter of chopped vegetables, wholegrain crackers, hummus, salsa, gherkins, olives, pickled onions and if you want a touch of luxury, add some smoked salmon. I’ve got a yummy recipe for roast pumpkin and feta hummus here.
* If you’re watching DVD’s make some home-made popcorn. Those pop your own bags you buy at the supermarket are not a healthy option as contain hydrogenated fats which are the worst type of fat! We’ve got a popcorn maker and I like to have it with a teeny bit of butter (much less than you’d get in any bought version) and fresh pepper. You can add lots of your own flavourings – a little chilli powder if you like things hot, or some herb seasoning.
* If you want a drink that’s a little bit special, but not full of sugar, try sparkling water with some lime or lemon juice squeezed in. If you want to sweeten it a bit, add a few drops of stevia, and some frozen berries instead of ice cubes. It’s really yummy!
* Keep active – I like to do a long run in the weekend to help compensate for eating a bit more than I would during the week.
What are some of your tips to eat healthy in the weekend?
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