This year is flying by, who can believe it’s September tomorrow?! Not only is it almost Spring, it’s been over two weeks since I last posted a WIAW so I thought I’d share one today. I wasn’t really prepared with food, and being very pregnant that’s probably a bad idea since you get quite hungry. I’ve been making waaay too many trips to the supermarket lately (it’s only a 2 min walk from work), I kind of feel embarrassed when I go in because I’m sure they think, oh look that pregnant lady is back AGAIN haha. So yes, I need to take a better range of food to work and be a bit more organised. I have stuff at home, I just need to get it ready the night before to take to work!!
Here’s my day’s eating:
Surprise surprise, it’s a big bowl of oats! I am mixing up my breakfasts a bit more these days with eggs and avocado on toast a new favourite, and I’ve also had a couple of smoothies alongside peanut butter on toast as well – but today I felt like oats. I’m finding some mornings I’m more hungry so I’m having bigger portions than prepregnancy to keep me satisfied. I’m currently using Uncle Tobys Ancient Grains Oats which also contain rye, barley and quiona which makes a slight change from the usual and I am enjoying the slightly different flavour and texture they provide. Today I had yoghurt, banana, cranberries and blueberries plus some almonds on top.
Mid morning at work I had a coffee and a Tasti Wholefood bar (I wrote about these here ) which was a super yummy combination.
I went home for lunch today because I didn’t bring any lunch to work and to be honest, unless I’m going to a cafe to meet someone, I actually prefer to make my own. I really felt like a wrap, so I bought some of my favourite ones at the supermarket and went home and made one. That’s one of the benefits of small town living – you can get home in less than ten minutes. I filled the wrap with left over coleslaw from dinner last night, tomato, avocado, cheese and salmon (I cooked a small salmon fillet I had) plus mayo and sat outside in the sun with my dog (who ate anything that fell out except the vegetable bits!). It was so nice, I didn’t want to go back to work and was fantasising about getting my pillow and laying on the deck and having a nap….. if only. Oh I also reheated a little left over roast pumpkin and ate that. One thing I’ve loved this entire pregnancy is pumpkin – It just tastes amazing to me! I also ate a chocolate finger biscuit to finish off, because I saw them in the fridge and they looked good. One hit the spot.
Afternoon snack
The other thing that I love right now is a good crunchy, crispy apple and that’s what I ate in the afternoon. I didn’t have anything else to eat but I was pretty hungry so I went to the service station (which is right next door to work) and brought a packet of nuts. Limited options there but didn’t really have time to go to the supermarket AGAIN (and I didn’t want to go twice in one day!!).
This looks highly unattractive, but I love this dish. It’s from Jamie Oliver’s Ministry of Food and it’s called Pot Roast Meatloaf. This book has quite a few good, simple recipes in it and this one is one of my favourites. It’s just made with beef mince, onion, garlic and different herbs and spices, but what really makes it is the chickpea and tomato sauce. My husband on the other hand, hates the chickpea sauce and picks them all out, but hey too bad, I like it! The other reason I made this is it makes enough for two dinners, which means no cooking tomorrow night yah! Antenatal classes start tomorrow, so it would have had to have been a quick, easy dinner tomorrow anyway. I had some kumara/potato mash with dinner (and ate some before I dished it up) and some stir fried vegetables.
Now I’m satisfied and sleepy and will probably hit bed without anything else to eat. I think the third trimester tiredness is starting to creep in!
Enjoy the rest of your week, and I’ll be back for another round in a few weeks. PS remember we are all different when it comes to how much and what we eat – some people need more, some need less and our food preferences are all unique 🙂
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